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What Does That Say About Me?

What Does That Say About Me?

DISCLAIMER: There are a number of caveats related to this post. I hope that they won’t keep you from seeing the truth expressed. Not everyone’s experience is the same, so this may not apply to you or your marriage but it may apply to someone else’s marriage. Avoid the bunny trials because they don’t lead […]

I Have Met the Enemy…

I Have Met the Enemy…

and it is NOT my spouse. Marriage Works! (@mrgwrks) tweet, “Ideally, spouses should be in competition against an unhealthy marriage [not one another]” reminded me of the first time my wife and I attended Family Life’s Weekend to Remember conference. At the conference one of the first things the facilitators told us to do was […]

Marriage Ministries – Some Are Better Th

Marriage Ministries – Some Are Better Than Others

You won’t catch me ragging on any specific ministries but there are some things that everyone should know.  One of the signs of a good ministry is that they work on you and leave your spouse to God’s hand.  Any marriage “ministry” that claims a poor marriage is sole the responsibility of the husband or […]

Do You Have a High Drive?

Do You Have a High Drive?

Disclaimer:  My wife has never made me lima beans. Thank you, Angel. You may think that the title of this post has to do with sex.  Well, it does and it doesn’t.  It has to do with preferences and how those preferences impact our marriage relationship. We are all entitled to our preferences.  For example, […]

Stubborn, Immature, Selfish Jerks

Stubborn, Immature, Selfish Jerks

Disclaimer:  I am not married to a stubborn, immature, selfish jerk, though I may be one on occasion. Love you Angel. For my first post I want to talk about the most difficult thing to deal with in any marriage and that’s a spouse that chooses to be a stubborn, immature, selfish jerk.  In future postings, […]