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Control Yourself

Control Yourself

Much of what I write about boils down to one thing, self-control. One of the things I’m finally learning in my mid-40s is that maturity and self-control go hand-in-hand. I began to realize this while reading Passionate Marriage (affiliate link). Remaining calm in the face of conflict allows you to control your response instead of […]

That’s Unacceptable. I’ll Take It!

That’s Unacceptable.  I’ll Take It!

This post is another about what Hal and Jenny Hunkle authors of ScreamFree Marriage (affiliate link) would call “Authentic Self-Representation” (ASR), and Dr. David Schnarch (affiliate link) would call “integrity.” Often in marriage we’ll choose to accept the unacceptable in the name of peace all the while realizing that what we are really doing is […]