Every marriage is different. The issues in each marriage are different. Every person is different. There may be common marital issues, finances, in-law interference, sex, etc. but really everyone’s experience is different. Too many hold their spouse responsible for the state of their marriage while doing little to be a better spouse and/or enabling their […]
Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
I wandered over to Love and Respect Ministries today to see if Dr. Eggerichs had a blog. He does and the post that was up was one worth sharing. My Response is My Responsibility
Marriage Ministries – Some Are Better Th
You won’t catch me ragging on any specific ministries but there are some things that everyone should know. One of the signs of a good ministry is that they work on you and leave your spouse to God’s hand. Any marriage “ministry” that claims a poor marriage is sole the responsibility of the husband or […]
Stubborn, Immature, Selfish Jerks
Disclaimer: I am not married to a stubborn, immature, selfish jerk, though I may be one on occasion. Love you Angel. For my first post I want to talk about the most difficult thing to deal with in any marriage and that’s a spouse that chooses to be a stubborn, immature, selfish jerk. In future postings, […]