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The Sin of Omission


If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them. ~James 4:17 (NIV) This is one of my favorite verses in Scripture because it reminds me that sin isn’t just doing something bad but can also be not doing something good. If we know the good […]

The Power of Eroticism in Marital Sex

Couple embracing

One of my favorite posts by Dr. David Schnarch (affiliate link) is People Have Sex Within The Limits of Their Development. it is one of my favorites because it challenges the reader to realize that to mature beyond their current limits will require some feelings of nervousness and anxiety. The process toward maturity is not […]

Boredom an Impetus for Growth

Boredom an Impetus for Growth

It came to my attention recently that the quality of marital sex falls on a continuum from allowing your spouse to use your body as a masturbatory device on one end of the continuum to making erotic love to one another at the other end of the continuum. The former, allowing your spouse access to […]

Are You Wooable?

Are You Wooable?

I’ve been a member of The Marriage Bed Forum (TMB) since July of 2004. I think it’s a good community of believers committed to promoting Christian marriage. It’s a Christian forum on sex so it is also well moderated, which is what also makes it a good community. Very often a newbie will give marriage […]

What Works in Making a Better Marital Re...

What Works in Making a Better Marital Relationship

I’ve been married over 20 years and I’m still learning. You never stop learning… or growing. The questions that comes up a lot is,“How do I improve my marriage?” First, let me say that there is a TON of information out there about this and much of it is worthless tripe that has about a […]

Preferences, Aversions, Inhibitions, Int...

Preferences, Aversions, Inhibitions, Intolerance and Growth

There are things I don’t enjoy doing that I choose to do because others that I care about enjoy them. During this Holiday season a number of them have come up and, for the most part, I’ve dealt with them fairly maturely. I’ve found that controlling my own mental attitude toward those activities that I […]

Because It’s The Right Thing To Do…

Because It’s The Right Thing To Do…

Paul Byerly’s post Control is Often an Illusion over at The Generous Husband prompted me to finally write this post that I’ve been mulling over for awhile. In that post Paul challenges us with the words, “Let’s be less about control and more about doing what we should do.” (emphasis added) It seems fairly obvious […]