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Desire: Willing Versus Wanting

Eye Flame

I was reading a Christian book written to women about marital sex recently that has been on my reading list for sometime. There were a number of things in the book with which I didn’t agree so I’m not going to recommend the book. However, there was one thing struck me for truth in the […]

Why Don’t Women Need Sex?

Why Don’t Women Need Sex?

J’s post Does Sexy Lingerie Promote a Perverted View of Beauty? got me to thinking about perceived differences between men and women. Honestly, it actually began with two posts by Pastor Bob Russell, Wives, Help Your Husbands Stay Pure! (1 Corinthians 6-7) and Husbands, Help Your Wives Stay Pure!, but J’s post is what prompted […]

Naked and Unashamed

Holding hands

As a follow up to It’s Just Sex… I thought it would be a good idea to further explore the idea of how sex is more than “just sex.” Intimacy is more than a code word for sex. Intimacy in and of itself has a greater meaning in marriage beyond the physically intimate. Choosing to […]