Again, I don’t believe in karma but I do believe that we reap what we show. Galatians 6:7 (NASB) Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. The thing about reaping what you sow is that you cannot start sowing something new today and expect […]
What Works in Making a Better Marital Re...
I’ve been married over 20 years and I’m still learning. You never stop learning… or growing. The questions that comes up a lot is,“How do I improve my marriage?” First, let me say that there is a TON of information out there about this and much of it is worthless tripe that has about a […]
God Grant Me Serenity…
Hello. It’s been awhile. Things have been very busy for me the past several months and, quite frankly, I haven’t had much time to think about writing let alone write anything. Well, today is different. I got inspired by a friend who is in a difficult marriage and wanted to share something for those of […]
Q. How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? A. One–but the light bulb has to really want to change. One of the questions that comes up quite a bit is, how do I get my spouse to read this book/go to this conference/stop doing this activity/pay more attention to me? What […]
Another Post About Sex, Kinda…
This has been rattling around in the back of my brain for sometime so bear with me. As usual Paul Byerly of The Generous Husband and The Marriage Bed wrote a post, If I Don’t Admit it, It’s Not True, that finally dislodged this thought from the back of my brain and forced me to […]
That’s Not My Preference
DISCLAIMER: I am not always the more mature person in my marriage. I am blessed to be married to a mature, good-willed wife. Emerson Eggerichs author of Love & Respect (affiliate link) has a very good post on his blog this week entitled Who Goes First? [Spoiler Alert] His conclusion is that the “more mature” […]
It’s All About Control
This morning Lisa Merlo-Booth (@LisaMerloBooth) tweeted, “Get ur eyes off the other person & pay attention to what u’re doing. Control ur behaviors cuz u can’t control theirs.” Her tweet got me to thinking about the time we waste focusing on what we cannot control. This time would be much better spent on what we […]