My apologies as it’s been quite awhile since I’ve posted anything. I’ve spent a busy summer watching my youngest playing a lot of baseball and haven’t had the time nor the inspiration to write. As I’ve said before,

I won’t post just to be posting. I only post when I think I have something to say. I want to be challenging you and myself with my posts

So, today I was challenged by a post on The Marriage Bed Forum.

Without sharing too much of the story it seemed to me that the post came down to a wife wanting to “spice things up” a bit and her husband’s perceived reaction to her spicing it up a bit and then the discussion that followed. It seemed to her that in the moment he enjoyed what she had interjected into their love-making but when they discussed it later she found that what he said didn’t match what she thought his reaction had been in the moment.

Her quandary, to continue to “spice things up” or to stop for fear of offending her husband’s sensibilities? The challenge is to be true and honest with ourselves and also with our spouse. So, to tell her that her desire to “spice things up” was misguided would be telling her to wear a mask that denies her desire to “spice up” their sex life. To tell her to ignore her husband’s comments, would be telling her act in a disrespectful way to her husband. I thought the best thing to do was for them to have a discussion about “spicing things up” in their marriage bed and to decide, together, how they would do that.

What desires of your heart are you hiding from your beloved? Is it time to “spice things up?”

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